Indraprasthan adhyatmik dnyanvikas ashram charitable trust is a non-religious, a non-political and not for profit registered social enterprise striving with the grass root for transforming unjust structures of trust. Founded in 2018, it aims at building harmonious and self sufficient communities of diverse peoples, religions, languages and cultures. To this end, trust makes them aware of the causes and effects of unjust structures of society, empowers them with requisite knowledge and initiates programs of community building and socio-economic and educational development. Indraprasthan adhyatmik dnyanvikas ashram charitable trust is a non-profit making charitable trust for promotion of education and welfare activities registered in 2018 and has been working hard since its establishment for the education and other various welfare programs, increasing the literacy rate, better health and propriety of the rural and slum area community. We are trying for the creation of knowledge society by increasing literacy rate and in agriculture and allied fields through pooling of human physical, social and economic resource for the welfare of rural and urban community.
Vice President